Social media are online interactive technology which enable the generation or sharing/recreation/ exchange of ideas, interests, messages, opinions, and many more types of expression through virtual communities or networks. This technology has been available since the mid 1990s and is a part of websites such as Livejournal, MySpace, and Friendster. These services provide an online forum for the exchange of information between people, groups, organizations and individuals. Many companies have also started using social media in order to advertise their products and services. This helps businesses to reach out to a large number of consumers through their web sites.

The companies use social media in order to interact with their consumers directly and build a long lasting relationship between the two parties. In the past, the companies used this platform to post news, reviews, and advertisements. Today, they also use it as a way to solicit their clients’ opinions and to get their businesses recognized in the online world. The platform allows users to create a personal profile which contains information about the business, its services, the company’s products and the business owner’s photo.

There are a variety of ways that these platforms can be used in the advertising field. Companies who wish to create new social media networks that will support their marketing campaigns should take note of some of the following factors. These include demographic trends, search engine optimization and target market. By understanding these aspects, you will be able to decide on the best platforms that will give your campaigns the best chance at success.