Social Media is tools that enable interaction on a social platform through the use of internet and digital devices. Social media are basically online interactive technology which enable the generation or sharing/ exchange of ideas, professions, hobby interests, and anything else on a virtual platform and social networks. Social media have become an essential part of many lives now because they serve as a tool to interact with others and find like minded individuals who share common interests.

The major advantages of social media is that they reduce the costs involved in advertising through conventional means and allows a business to get the necessary information about customers through a simple online form. Social media also allows you to reach out to a large audience much more easily and efficiently compared to traditional media. This form of promotion has been adopted by almost every company because it helps them to create a positive image in the minds of the customers.

Companies today have to deal with increasing competition and this has lead to them using all possible methods to promote their products and services. Traditional advertising campaigns have been ineffective against social media because they have been unable to break through the barriers set by social networks. It has not only helped them to gain more popularity in the market but also helped them to make their brands more accessible to people through blogs, discussion boards, forums and newsgroups. In today’s world, it is very important that companies take advantage of social media in order to promote and expand their businesses.