Social media have emerged as one of the most potent tools of communication today. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have become a vital way to find, network and reconnect with friends, colleagues, relatives and other acquaintances. Social media are very interactive technology which enable the generation or sharing/ exchange of relevant information, ideas, career objectives, hobbies, interests and other types of social expression through virtual networks and online communities. In addition, these media make it possible for people to make their lives simpler by providing instant and easy access to content. Social media’s help in sharing information and building relationships which eventually increases the organization’s productivity and profits.

Social media provide users with a platform through which they can build, enhance and promote their online brands. These platforms are open to all and users may create accounts in their choice of any niche and categorization. Popular social media sites include MySpace, Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and the like. The most prominent and popular among them is Facebook, which is the leading social networking site where people and businesses interact on a more personal basis.

Social media allows users to interact in a collaborative way where they can let loose their creative juices and discuss issues and problems. Such platforms have become very popular in the recent years as they help in sharing information and facilitating discussion. These media also provide an opportunity to share information and knowledge. On the other hand, companies use social media to market their products and services, attract new customers, gather information on current trends and get feedback from the user community.