Social media are basically interactive technologies that allow the generation or sharing/ exchange of ideas, opinions, interests, and various types of expression through virtual networks and online communities. Social media allows us to be and feel like we are in a “real” group, instead of being part of a bunch of individuals, when we are in person. This also allows us to be able to share and collaborate on a more intimate level with others.

The power of social media is already being recognized by many businesses in terms of their ability to increase their digital marketing. In fact, social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook are now considered to be one of the most popular search engines on the Internet. Social media provides an excellent platform for creating and nurturing long-term relationships with your customers, which are very important for the longevity and growth of your business. There is no doubt that the best way to make use of this technology for your social marketing is by using social sharing buttons, which can automatically spread your marketing content to various social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, and Delicious, for example.

Social sharing buttons are a great complement to your existing content marketing campaigns, as they allow users to instantly share your marketing message with their friends. Using these buttons will give you an opportunity to connect with your target audience even before they have decided to take the action you want them to take. Social media is not just an emerging phenomenon; it is here to stay. Although it may take some time for it to gain enough momentum to impact your bottom line, social media is definitely a force to be reckoned with. With the millions upon millions of people already connected to the internet, it only seems to make sense that you would want to take advantage of this medium to help grow your business.